When this school was being formed, it was the number one priority that this would be a school where students would and could carry their Bibles with them to class. Along with morning Chapel, students receive daily Bible instruction, and every opportunity will be taken during the course of the day to share and apply scripture through.
We teach God's word and use Christ centered, creation based curriculum in each of our classes.
Children are encouraged and challenged to live it out God's word each and every day.
Each student has their own Bible here at CHCA to reference, read, and study.
We want to echo what parents are teaching children at home.
We will teach them how to read and study the Scriptures and how to seek the Lord.
Our teachers will show your children how to live out their faith.
​ Service
Children will be asked to serve CHCA, fellow students, the community, and the world.
CHCA believes serving the community is a natural way for us to demonstrate God's love.
Goals and Objectives
Kindergarten- Learning about God. By studying the lives of the major characters throughout the entire Bible, kindergartners will learn about God's work and His character.
Grade 1- Enjoying God's Gifts. First graders will explore the many gifts of love that God has given to us, focusing on aspects of creation, our families, friends, possessions, Jesus Christ, and God's care.
Grade 2- Finding God's Promises Studying the life of Moses in the Book of Exodus, students will discover and examine God's promises. They will see that both the Israelites and Moses experienced victory and hardship while learning about God.
Grade 3- Growing with God. Third grade students will delve into the lives of Joseph in the Book of Genesis, and Daniel in the Book of Daniel, noting God's providence.
Grade 4- Building Life Castles. This study engages students in the life of Christ from the Gospels and presents a study of the Holy Spirit from the Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles. By also studying Paul's epistles and the life of Paul from Acts, students will examine how to develop Christian character.
Grade 5- Winning the Race. Students discover how people in the Bible strove to win the race that God set for them. The lessons also present an overview of New Testament doctrine, including the past, present, and future work of Christ.
Grade 6: Middle-school students are daily confronted with worldviews that want to win their heart. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will learn how to distinguish a biblical worldview from false worldviews and equip them to live out a biblical worldview through the Basics for a Biblical Worldview study. Students will learn to relate the story of Scripture to basic Christian beliefs and values as they learn what the Bible says about their identity, work, relationships, society, and belief system.
Grade 7: The Story of the Old Testament focuses on giving each student an overview of the big story of Scripture. Throughout the course, students will study and recognize the big story, Creation, Fall, and Redemption, in the Old Testament in individual narratives, and they will develop an understanding of the Old Testament’s application to the New Testament. Ultimately, students will learn to conduct their own, independent Bible studies as they gain principles of hermeneutics and an understanding of biblical theology.
Grade 8: The Life of Christ. The Bible is the true story of what God is doing to glorify Himself by redeeming His fallen creation. The Gospels present the life of Christ, not as a biographical sketch, but as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan as promised in the Old Testament. Jesus has all of the characteristics of the Messiah and fulfills the Messiah’s mission to advance the kingdom of God.
Grade 9: This course reveals the Bible as the true story of what God is doing to glorify Himself by redeeming His fallen creation. Students will explore Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation. The book of Acts covers Christ’s role in the redemptive storyline of the development of His church. The Epistles show students the truths that ground believers and allow them to live out the Great Commission until Christ returns—these truths are the doctrinal propositions and applicational imperatives of Christianity. Finally, the students will see the climactic fulfillment of His triumph over all things in Revelation. Designed to depart from the traditional lecture method of Bible classes, this course uses multiple teaching strategies and learning styles, all focused on clear daily objectives.