Chapel Hill Christian Academy's
dream of a Pre-K through 12th grade campus
is coming to fruition!

Through your prayers and generosity,
the Lord has surely led us here.
But Jesus looked at them and said,
"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26
God has revealed our future home to us and we are now able to move forward in attaining our land in order to begin planning for the construction of CHCA's Lower and Upper School Campus! God has revealed our future home to us, 56 acres in the heart of Sango! This is a historical moment in our school's foundation and for our future. God is calling us to something greater. Placing decisions and opportunities in front of us that will impact the next generations. Our children and those to come will reap the benefits of the seeds we plant today- the decisions we are making- the challenges we face together.
We see and believe in the ways God is working through CHCA. We believe our calling is to partner with families in the teaching of their children by providing an education that is distinctively Christian, academically excellent, Biblically saturated and service and mission oriented. We are inviting you to partner with us in the work God is doing here.
becomE one of our Founding Families.
The investment and commitment of becoming a Founding Family will impact our school by giving us the ability to move forward with the vision of our PK-12th grade campus. Our hope is that at least 250 families will say yes. Can you or someone you know invest $250 a month for three years, yearly donation of $3,000, or a one time donation of $9,000?
You can also donate by check by making a pledge to CHCA below!
Families that are able to give this gift will have the opportunity to have their name engraved on a brick that will go on the main entrance of the campus! We want to acknowledge the Founding Families of CHCA on our archway entrance. You were there at the beginning of the school's foundation and we want your name to welcome families to our campus for years to come. Be a part of what God has done and will do for our school, for the children, and for our community!
Brick by Brick, CHCA is RISING! #chapelhillrises #brickbybrick
The Future Home of CHCA
Why should families entrust us with their child's academic and spiritual education and invest their lives in Chapel Hill?
We have a vision to help raise generations of children, students who will graduate with a Biblical worldview and foundation in the Lord, a servant's heart, academically ready for the next chapter the Lord calls them.
Here's why families are partnering with CHCA.
"God led us here 4 years ago.We entrust CHCA because His presence is evident in the fruit of each teacher, coach, and staff member. The heart each person has for our children is beautiful. Our kids spend just as much of their day at Chapel Hill as they do at home. Raising disciples is our greatest call as parents and what better organization to unite in raising these disciples, than Chapel Hill."
"Families are invested because they hear and see what is happening at CHCA. Children are learning academically but also so spiritually. They also love the smaller classrooms where children can get more attention to meet their needs. They also recognize there is a vision for the school (their children) and see it exemplified by the administration, faculty and staff."
"We are invested in CHCA because we believe whole-heartedly that the spiritual and academic opportunities the CHCA is providing for families is unmatched in the Montgomery County community. We believe God’s hand is on this school and it’s leadership and we have also been called to support this mission in whatever way we can."

Our Future Campus
As we continue praying through the next steps for our school, we are focusing on the mission and vision God has given Chapel Hill. We are leading the next generation of police officers, doctors, missionaries, teachers, pastors, and business owners. Our dream is to see our oldest students graduating from CHCA in 2028. It is our desire to train them up both academically and spiritually, so that we may send them out to love and serve their city and beyond.
We are dreaming and planning towards the future home of CHCA, a campus that gives the ability for a PK-12th grade community. Architect, Josh Wright, is taking the vision God has given us for our Pre-K through 12th grade campus and turning it into reality.
Our focus on Him is reflected in the design of the physical campus as well. The CHCA Chapel will be the focal point of our campus. What we love most about our future Chapel is the large windows with natural light, the tall white walls and the wood grain pews. This creates a reverent space for students to meet with the Lord.
We pray that our future Chapel will be filled with His presence. That it will be a place our CHCA Family will come together to praise and worship our Father. May our Chapel be a place where students start each day with the opportunity to pray together and to learn who Jesus is, centering our day around God.
The future home of CHCA is also well-rounded with athletics, clubs, academics, yet always maintains the focus on Him. CHCA is mission and service oriented, with a desire to be a place that cultivates lifelong learners who are shaping and influencing this world for Christ.
We want our students to grow and learn not only inside their classrooms, but also outdoors in a farm-like setting. To have the opportunity to learn together in nature, greenhouses, and garden beds. We want CHCA students to learn to be good stewards of earth, while caring for its plants and animals. We wholeheartedly believe the school-age years should be enriching and fulfilling.